Director of The Teaching and Learning with Technology Studio at Penn State. Experimenting with KNOWN here. Trying to know the unknowable. another gross salute to the fantastic possibilities of the Internet.

Brad Kozlek

Brad Kozlek

Daring Fireball: Dazzling Results

I would also argue that Apple’s record-shattering results last quarter are remarkable. Not because the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are revolutionary, because they’re not. But because it shows that design can matter in the mass market. For decades the industry’s conventional wisdom held that design wasn’t important. The industry’s leaders created shitty software and shitty hardware. Apple’s success has upended the industry’s value system. Almost all of Apple’s competitors value design more today than they did a decade ago: Microsoft, Google, Samsung, HP — all of them.

Brad Kozlek

The All-Women Hacker Collective Making Art About the Post-Snowden Age | Motherboard

i hate to have to admit it, but yeah, there is something broken about the Internet now. The party is long over. where to now? how does one stay cool forever?

Brad Kozlek

ongoing by Tim Bray · Content-free

I just now discovered this year old post by Tim Bray in which he takes umbrage with the term "content." I also think there is something about the word “content” that implies that it is can be divorced from the media involved in its creation and delivery. I often observe people, especially in higher ed, relying on a concept of “content” without a thought to how the technology supporting it is an inseparable part of its essence.

Brad Kozlek

Brad Kozlek

Federated Wiki for Teaching, Brainstorming, and Hybrid Cognition | Jeff Rimland

After @holden piqued my interest in smallest federated wiki at open ed a few weeks ago, it is nice to connect to @jeffist around his interest in SFW as well. Still need to get an instance up and running.